Go to church with your Sunday Missal? Now carry it in your phone or tablet.
Contains the readings for all Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation.
Follows the Sunday Missal used in Catholic Churches in multiple countries.
Automatically displays the reading of the coming Sunday or Holy Day of Obligation.
Select any reading (Year A, B or C) in the liturgical calendar.
Adjustable reading font size.
Select from multiple built-in typefaces or download your own typefaces.
Select from default list of screen color or create own screen colors.
Swipe left/right (or use buttons) to select next week's or previous week's reading.
Perpetual liturgical calendar.
Insert your profile picture on the Splash screen.
Help file.
Search for words in readings.
Use on phone or tablet.
This version is obsoleted. Please install the replacement app My Sunday Missal v3.3.0. Running this version will take you to the home page of My Sunday Missal in Google Play Store.