Bluetooth Connect & Stop Play
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Does your music start playing automatically when Bluetooth connects and you want that to stop.
This app will get triggered on Bluetooth connect and attempt to stop any of the running music apps.
They may get started before it stops them, but it tries multiple times to put them down.
Give me feedback, would love to improve it, but don't know how popular this feature would be.
1. Install the app
2. Ensure the On/Off Toggle is set to ON
3. If you want to test..start playing the music player that you want stopped, Press the TEST button.
That music player should stop playing.
4. When Bluetooth connects, this app will automatically be triggered and attempt to stop the music player up to around 6 seconds of trying.
5. Ideally, there's a way to stop the control from triggering at all, but I haven't found it yet.
If you want the opposite behavior, play the music player of your choice, try this app instead:
Bluetooth Connect & Play
v1.0.6 Take out of Beta: Include In App purchase for Donation to Education
v.1.0.2 fixed bug.
probably works better BETA still
v1.0 initial BETA release
Обновлено: 2015-01-31
Версия: 1.0.5
Требования: Android 2.3 или более поздняя