Data storage converter

4.8 (5)

Инструменты | 7.5MB


Use this useful tool to convert data storage choosing one of the 37 units of measurment included in this app (with the availability to add custom units), that are:
bit, byte, nibble, character, word, MAPM-word, quadruple-word, block, kilobit, kilobyte, megabit, megabyte, gigabit, gigabyte, terabit, terabyte, petabit, petabyte, exabit, exabyte, floppy disk (3.5", DD), floppy disk (3.5", HD), floppy disk (3.5", ED), floppy disk (5.25", DD), floppy disk (5.25", HD), CD (74 minutes), CD (80 minutes), DVD (1 layer, 1 side), DVD (2 layer, 1 side), DVD (1 layer, 2 side), DVD (2 layer, 2 side), Zip 100, Zip 250, Jaz 1GB, Jaz 2GB,
Blu-ray disc (single-layer) and Blu-ray disc (double-layer).

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Версия: 1.13

Требования: Android 4.4 или более поздняя


