Weather Forecast - Accurate Weather & Radar maps
Погода | 7.7MB
Weather Forecast - Accurate Weather & Radar maps
is one of the best weather app that detects weather forecasts in your current location automatically. provides fastest weather forecast, real-time alerts, severe weather warnings, accurate hourly and more.
Local weather forecast & real time rain, storm, ice & snow reports
Weather forecast, which has accurate weather information for anytime and everywhere.
Weather Forecast - Accurate Weather & Radar maps
app Displays full report of all information of weather like location time, temperature, atmospheric pressure, weather condition, visibility distance, relative humidity, precipitation in different units, dew point, wind speed and direction
Easy to Use :
-> Please open app
-> Enable location
-> Then you receive the weather forecasts in your current location.
Best Features :
-> An option to manually add your location for local weather radar
-> best free weather app for the android
-> Weather forecast for all countries like Canada, Brazil, United States (US), Sweden, Denmark, United Kingdom (UK), Germany,
Italy, France, Portugal, Mexico, Finland, Spain, Norway , Japan, Korea, China, Australia, Vietnam, Russia, India etc.
-> Detect right weather, even weather radar.
-> Add and track the weather conditions in multiple locations.
-> Chart graphs for hourly weather forecast and daily weather forecast app.
-> Retrieving the latest weather conditions for your current location
-> Weather widget and ongoing notification, multiple locations on the widget
Обновлено: 2020-12-29
Версия: 1.0
Требования: Android 4.1 или более поздняя