Zimsec Physics Revision

4.05 (110)

Образование | 5.3MB


This application contains Physics Notes and Practice Questions. The content in the application can be used to prepare for the Zimsec O level exams for standalone physics.
What to expect
-full Physics syllabus notes
-diagrams and illustrations
-important formula marked and highlighted
-practice questions on select topics
-smart in app marking
The application, the developers and Age-X development are not in any way connected to the Zimbabwe School Examinations Council or The Ministry of Education. The application is part of Age-X Development's initiative to bridge the gap in ICT tools in education.

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Что нового Zimsec Physics Revision

Now with new Physics Notes & new MCQs



Версия: 3.3.a

Требования: Android 4.1 или более поздняя


