Romantic Photo Frames for Pictures - PhotoEditor
Фотография | 20.2MB
Decorate all your photos is possible with this great
Romantic Photo Frames for Pictures
application. Have fun creating originals photographs to remember, adding your own photos to the best frames of Romantic that are included in this app.It is as easy as selecting your photo and choose one of the multiple Romantic frames. The result is so fantastic that you'll want to share with friends or family.
Wonderful Romantic Photo Frames : Photo Editor
application which have collection of best Romantic image with your choice view and with that make full your friends and also family member.this have one of the best advantage to make change your simple image into one of the best "Romantic Photo Frames".with that save and share your creation with your friends on social sides which you want.
How to do Best "HD Romantic photo frames":
_Take photo from gallery or camera
_Select the outline of the photo
_Merge with background by adjusting the feather value
_select the Romantic which you want
_Add Stones,trees and some animals stickers to the Waterfall
_Apply text with best font style and also with many more options
_Add filters in your image
_Create photo collages also by getting old cropped images
_Set it as wallpaper with this Romantic Photo app
_Or save and share through online.
Romantic Photo Frames Photo Editor App Features:
_Open application in your device
_Select image with gallery
_Capture image with camera
_Apply one of best filter in image
_Add stickers
_Choose adorable Romantic BG
_Add text with best fontstyle,shadow,colors,bg
_Save in app personal gallery "My Work"
Обновлено: 2018-10-13
Версия: 1.0
Требования: Android 4.1 или более поздняя