Percent Calculator +

3 (2)

Инструменты | 195.5KB


The best percent calculator! Percent Calculator + is a simple and easy to use percent calculator designed for anyone who wants to perform percentage calculations. Features include: 1. Percentage - Calculate percentages 2. Discount and Increment - Increase or decrease a value by a percentage amount. 3. Percent Of - Input two numbers to calculate the percentage of the first number based on the second number. 4. Before Discount / Mark Up - Calculate original value of a number before it has been reduced by a percentage. 5. Before Increment - Calculate original value of a number before it has been increased by a percentage. 6. Percent Change - Calculate the percentage change from one number to another number. 7. Tips Calculator - Calculate tips. Additional Features: - Easily switch between calculators by swiping on the screen! - View history of calculations - A unique keyboard - Move to SD You may visit to view a full changelog. Please don't hesitate to send me an e-mail should you have any enquiries or suggestions. They will be responded to ASAP.

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Версия: 1.4.4a

Требования: Android 3 или более поздняя


