Motorola PIM Sync for PC
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Motorola PIM sync for PC works in conjunction with Motorola media Link for Windows or MotoCast for Windows. Once installed, this application allows you to synchronize your contacts from Outlook, Outlook Express or Windows Mail to your Motorola android device via USB cable. Motorola Media Link for Windows v1.5.0 or greater or MotoCast for Windows desktop software is required to support this experience.MotoCast for Windows replaces Motorola Media Link andis available for free at www.mymotocast.comdownloadDevice Requirements: Currently, PIM Contacts only sync is only supported on the following devices: Photon 4G Droid Bionic Milestone 3 Droid 3 Droid X2 Atrix 2 RAZR
Обновлено: 2014-09-13
Требования: Android 5 или более поздняя