Lose Belly Fat
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Don39;t you just hate it when you sit down and your tummy immediately settles into three rows of fat? Belly Fat is the most difficult fat to get rid of. Even when you lose weight on your entire body and are slim, your belly fat is going to stick around. And no, situps are not going to make a difference a little hint: situps can make things worse. This app is what you need to handle this special problem zone With a medical based mix of meals and isolation excercise, you can get back the flat hard tummy once more...within a couple of weeks or less. Don39;t fall into the mistake of not addressing your belly fat in a targeted manner. Get this app now and have a tight tummy once again.
Обновлено: 2014-09-13
Версия: 1.0
Требования: Android 2.1 или более поздняя