Free Music & Videos - Music Player for YouTube
Музыка и аудио | 5.5MB
Free Music & Videos is a free music player and stream music service for YouTube. Discover free music through top charts - find free music videos, hot music, new music, get free songs recommendations from YouTube and stream music unlimited. Save your favorite songs to playlists or import playlists from your account so that your free music is always with you.
Free Music & Videos free music player is best of all free music apps. Forget about background music player - now you can stream free music while you browse news or chat with friends thanks to the floating pop-up YouTube music player. Having a small dimensions pop-up YouTube music player will not overlap your screen and will allow you to enjoy listening to free music while doing other tasks. No need for music download: stream free music for free and save space on your phone.
Обновлено: 2020-02-23
Версия: 3.3.3
Требования: Android 4.1 или более поздняя