Color Clock Watch Face
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Color Clock is a simple, clean, and elegant watch face that changes colors based on the time of the day. Available for both square and round devices. Checkout the screenshots for more info!
- Advanced color changing algorithm
- Analog & digital watch faces
- Display date and weather (Pro)
- Smooth mode for better color transitions
- Black and white ambient mode support
- Weather info for current location (Pro)
Version 2.1.1
Minor bug fixes - weather improvements.
Version 2.0
Brand new analog and digital watch faces with handheld app for customization.
Customize your Color Clock watch face using Android Wear or the Color Clock App!
- Advanced color changing algorithm
- Analog & digital watch faces
- Display date and weather (Pro)
- Smooth mode for better color transitions
- Black and white ambient mode support
- Weather info for current location (Pro)
Обновлено: 2016-10-29
Версия: 2.1.1
Требования: Android 4.3 или более поздняя