Auto Cut Paste Photo Editor - Background Removal
Фотография | 12.2MB
auto cut paste photo - background removal is a Cut Paste Photo and image Editor app by which you or we can cut out any part of image or photos automatically with Auto Selection tools and paste it on another image or backgrounds.
auto cut paste photo - background removal provides a fast and very easy way to create awesome custom pictures. Just touch the area of picture which you want to erase and Auto Cut Paste will automatically detect the entire area through finger detection AI and it will erase that area for you so that you and we can paste that image on any other picture or on our existing HD backgrounds and Full HD Images also.
This is best cut paste App for Photos and images with which we can create your beautiful custom photo by cutting the photo from one photo and paste it to the other custom photo. You can cutting a section or whole object and paste it to the other images or images.
Cut one face and Paste it on the other or Cut the people out and put them on another background very easily. You can share your custom photo with your friends on social networks like whats app, Facebook, twitter, Instagram etc.
We can also erase or remove your photos background manually by finger or thumb touch or with Photo Cutting tool. Remove background from your photos & save the transparent image in PNG or JPG format!
This app too totally free for all android user and this is best app for photo lover here you can do Also take your selfie and remove your current background and paste your photo to another background here we can provide you lots of background also and if you can download hd background for internet and use for this app also.
Functionality :
-Auto Erasers: for one touch background(Using your finger to select your area which you want) remove and erase from your current image and use for another background.
-Undo, Redo & Zooming: if any mistake for photo editing or removal background then you can easy use undo and redo.
- Effect : Here we can provide you all effect for your background and your auto cut paste face included in there at a Time you can set effect from both and you can save your photo.
- My creation or my album : Here you can see your all creation photo and your photo also saved to your smart phone gallery also.
Auto Background Cut Paste(Background auto cut paste) comes with many photo editing tools features like: Copy Paste Photos and background,Photo Background Changer, Cut Paste Photos, Face Swap, Auto photo background changer, Background Eraser, Easy cut paste photo,
Photo Editing, Photo Background Eraser, Background eraser,
Cut and edit photo, Replace photo background,Auto photo eraser, FotoCut – Photo Copy and Paste, Cut and paste photo, Copy and paste photo, Cut out: Background eraser, Copy Paste, Ultimate background eraser, custom photo editor, Auto photo maker, change background,Cut/Copy Paste Collage Edit, Copy paste photo collage, Auto photo eraser,Photo background changer, Photo background cutting, Auto cut paste photo, cut paste photo editor, change photo background, Auto Copy paste photo collage maker.
- Reduce Apk Size.
- Improve Performance.
- More Effect Added.
Обновлено: 2018-04-24
Версия: 1.1
Требования: Android 4.0.3 или более поздняя