Let's find out that how much you or your kids know Hanuman Chalisa or learn, revise or recite Hanuman Chalisa in interactive & easy way even if you do not know Hindi.
My purpose of also developing Shri Hanuman Chalisa Game App is to promote more Hanuman Chalisa across the Globe & to help & support Globe to learn, revise or recite Hanuman Chalisa in interactive & easy way using the correct use of their Gadgets, Smartphones or Tablet PC etc. & to also promote good works, Indian & other Cultures etc.
Initially, you will find Shri Hanuman Chalisa since many know Hanuman Chalisa or want to know, learn or recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly but I have written in such a way that if anyone across the Globe does not know Hindi then still he or she will be able to recite, understand or grasp properly. I have developed this Game App using GameSalad.
- GURMEET SINGH DANG (Owner & Founder of GURMEETWEB TECHNICAL LABS, https://gurmeetweb.com)