Porn addiction is a growing menace today, with not many people knowing its repercussions and how impactful it can be to the emotional stability of an addict.
SO if you want to use Safe Internet from adult or sex content With Small App and little battery usage
you want to Use Family Connection To Block All Sex Sites "Porn ..."
we will help you to close all sex sites and porn sites
With Porn Blocker hub is an app for Android that lets users block all sorts of porn, violent & gambling adult videos websites with one tap. This app is tailormade for parents trying to control their kid's online activities.
Porn Blocker hub can be used by parents to block all sorts of dubious websites and adult videos websites/apps that have content meant for adult audiences. Users can also use it to block all other distracting websites & apps.
Porn Site Blocker hub
Nowadays online porn is everywhere. The adult site blocker feature directly blocks all sex/adult video websites based on keywords and helps you keep your kids away from sex Videos.
Porn blocker hub:
The porn blocking functionality blocks all types of adult content with the click of a button. If you want to block specific websites or apps, you can further use the blocking apps / websites functionality.
Website blocker hub:
This functionality blocks specific websites that you get distracted by. You can enter the domain name of the website for it to be blocked. As such it is an effective website blocker for studying.