Roosh Music Player is developed for people like you and that makes it best music player, A redefined new music player app will definatally add an extra features to your music world with its enhanced and latest inbuilt functionalities and that makes it best music app for android.
While creating this application we kept you in our mind and were dedicated to give you an ultimate experience with its powerfull equilizer setup. The song sorting has made is to flexible for you to play the song according to your mood or choice.
With its dual screen mode(night mode,light mode) you can personalized your music experience with a feel that starts from your music player. this is the best music player app that understands you so well. ;)
while there were plenty of similar application, we were wondering what else we could give you to make you feel special, and then we thought the navigation, Just imagine how much convienint it would be,when you can just play your favorite track with few taps on your mobile device and control the track even if your mobile phone is locked. Just tap on your screen and your devoted player is live to serve the best experience for you. The top feature of our 'Roosh' is that you can set the landing page (Start Page).
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