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Meta News

1.0.0 for Android
4.8 | 5,000+ Instalações

Value Corp

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A descrição de Meta News

Meta news is a free live news app for accessing trending and global news based on categories.
Featured categories include: technology, science, sports, business, politics, art and health.
It also features a search page where you could search for news article you like.
This app will save you lots of time trying to search the web for specific news articles.
It's also user oriented to provide the best user experience possible.
*Please note that this app is in alpha stages and it may contain some developer errors if you encounter any of them please leave a review and I will work on resolving the issue in the best way possible. You can also suggest on ways I can improve the app for the best experience possible.
Also be sure to keep the app updated for better experience

O que há de novo Meta News 1.0.0

Version ~ 1.0.0 (alpha)


  • Categoria:
    Notícias e revistas
  • Última versão:
  • Atualizada:
  • Tamanho:
  • Requerimentos:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • Desenvolvedor:
    Value Corp
  • ID:
  • Available on: