Shopping with your favorite nearby shops made easy with GK India Shope app.
Now your shopping with your nearby shops in your town made easy and fast with our new app . The app is the state of the art information portal and E-commerce interface to make your shopping exiting .
The app has lot of cool functionalities , that make you fall in love with the app.
1. Search the nearby shops by category , type , name and business keywords
2. View the list of shops around you
3. See the shops profile with phone no , email , photos , ratings , reviews and more .
4. see the list of products that you can purchase online from the vendor
5. See the recommended list of products from the local vendor
6. avail the offer given by individual vendors
7. Add all the products that you would like to purchase form different vendor and place order at one go .
8. Track your order
9. rate and review the shops .
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