Kuis Survey 100

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Anda akan menjawab pertanyaan yang dimana jawaban atas pertanyaan tersebut didapatkan dari hasil survey 100 orang. Jawaban yang muncul akan berhubungan dengan jumlah poin dari jumlah orang yang menjawab pada saat survey dan akan muncul di papan jawaban. Kami akan menampilkan paling banyak 7 jawaban teratas. Pertanyaan dan jawaban dalam permainan ini sebagian besar disadur dari permainan program di televisi.
You will answer questions where answers to these questions are obtained from the survey results of 100 people. The answer that appears will relate to the number of points of the number of people who answered at the time of the survey and will appear on the answer board. We will show at most 7 of the top answers. Questions and answers in this game are mostly adapted from program games on television.

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Versão atual: 1.7.2

Requer Android: Android 4 or later


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