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A descrição de

K-Instructor, is an App created by Instructors for Instructors, Teachers, Coachs, Trainers, ... professionals like you who are dedicated to teaching in different subjects (Dance, Music, Languages, Fitness, Sports, Review Classes, Computers, Cooking, ....).
Are you tired of manually managing income collection from your students?
Would you like to know which student is current on payments?
Would you like to have a record of income from your students?
Would you like to know how many students you have at all times, per class or group, per days or overall?
Would you like to see graphically the evolution of your income by months and years?
Would you like to see graphically which classes or groups brings you more revenue?
and more ...
Then, this is the App you expected. Easy and intuitive. Simply create your groups or classes, create or import your contacts from the phonebook or facebook and assign them to the proper group / class, define your weekly schedule and start recording your income easily. Record the "Events" you take part in (Shows, Workshops, Masterclasses,...) and track the income related to each event. Record and track the class attendance and much more...
By now, it is only available in English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. We are working to offer it in other languages in future releases.
Designed for smartphones and tablets-phablets to support multiple screen resolution.
Add current year on Statistics.
Payments shown on Statistics per month.
Minor bug fixes on calendar module.
Performance improved.
Minor bug fixes.
Notifications activated for receiving messages.
Ability to view Events Revenue on Statistics.
Date-time adjustment on income and payments according to user's time-zone.
Minor bug fixes.
Gender (Female / Male) added on Contact profile to see in advance if Classes/Groups are in balance.
Current Year set to default year on Statistics.
Twitter Widget added. Last Tweets integrated on App.
Minor bug fixes.
FRENCH version.
New 'Refresh & Synchronization' button in main menu.
Plugins update.
Minor bug fixes.
Minor bug fixes.
Performance improvement.
Images optimization.
Viewing User Profile on dropdown panel.
Framework upgrade.
Record and track of students attendance.
Record and track of events and income from congresses, shows, workshops, masterclasses,...
Date selection on
Income & Payments section.
Year selection on Statistics. Income by Months.
Income & Payments page redesigned.
New calendar widget self-configurable by language.
Minor bug fixes.
Upgrade to the new Facebook Security Policy.
Backbutton on header for iOS version.
Active links on the profile student (fields: phone, email, facebook and twitter)
Viewing profile picture of facebook users on header.
Minor bug fixes.
ITALIAN version.
Minor bug fixes.
v0.11.01 and Older
New version for Tablets & Phablets.
GPS location for international support.
Best performance in navigation and events.
Improved performance in navigation and events.
Improved control of network connectivity.

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O que há de novo K-Instructor

Add current year in statistics.



Versão atual: 3.03.01

Requer Android: Android 4.1 or later


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