UU Desa Terlengkap 01

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Hal Yang mengatur apa tentang perkembangan di desa telah di atur sesuai pasal yang berlaku yang sudah tertera pada Undang - undang RI No.6 Tahun 2004 tentang desa. Maka dari itu pada aplikasi ini saya berbagi panduan lengkap memahami UU Desa.
Berikut Fitur applikasi yang bisa saya sampaikan, diantaranya:
- Perpu Undang-Undang tentang Desa Lengkap
- Dana Desa Menurut Undang-Undang No 6 Tahun 2014 lengkap
- Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Desa tertinggal
- Peraturan Tentang Aliran Dana Ke Desa lengkap
- Undang Undang Desa Terbaru Amandemen
- Buku Panduan UU Desa Terlengkap 01
- UU Desa Dan Peraturan Pelaksanaanya Terlengkap 01
sekian semoga aplikasi ini bermanfaat dan membantu, silahkan download.
jangan lupa kasih Bintang Lima ya? semoga sehat dan lancar rezekinya. amin
Things regulate what about the developments in the village has been set according to the applicable chapter already stated in the Act - Act 6 of 2004 concerning Indonesian village. Thus in this application I share a complete guide to understanding the Village Law.
The following feature is the application that I can convey, among others:
- a regulation of the Law on Rural Complete
- According to the Village Fund Act No. 6 of 2014 complete
- Medium Term Development Plan Rural lagging
- Regulations Flows Into complete village
- Latest Village Law Amendment
- Complete the Village Law Handbook 01
- Village Law And Regulation The exercise Terlengkap 01
so hopefully this application useful and helpful, please download.
Five Star do not forget to love ya? hopefully healthy and smooth sustenance. amen

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O que há de novo UU Desa Terlengkap

- Update versi dan fitur terbaru



Versão atual: 1.3.7

Requer Android: Android 4.0.3 or later


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