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Apatour Travel mempunyai Kualitas yang bagus dalam Biro Perjalanan Haji + Umroh & Tours Travel, dan juga siap untuk menyediakan Dana Talangan untuk Umroh.
PROGRAM 9 hari*
Tgl 30 April 2018
Pesawat : SV
Madinah : Rawdat Al Aqeeq/ setaraf*4 (quard)
Mekkah : Lamar Ajyad / setaraf *5 (quard)
Cash: Rp. 24jt Dp: 1.5 jt
Dana Talangan: Rp. 26jt Dp:6 jt
Sisa 20 juta di cicil selama 18 bulan, di genapkan Rp. 1.115.000/bulan
* bila di acc harus transfer di awal Rp. DP: 6jt + biaya di luar cicilan:750.000(biaya adimin+survey)+1250.000(bagi jamaah DKI) total Rp.8jt
# sedangkan jamaah di Luar Daerah#
Dana Talangan: Rp. 26jt Dp:6 jt
Sisa 20 juta di cicil selama 18 bulan, di genapkan Rp. 1.115.000/bulan
* bila di acc harus transfer di awal Rp. DP: 6jt + biaya di luar cicilan:750.000(biaya adimin+survey)+1250.000(bagi jamaah DKI, biaya utk airpottax + handling+pendftrn Form umroh) + 750.000 biaya karantina menginap/ istrht di hotel dekat bandara soekarno hatta utk manasik+makan+antar jemput dari bandara ke hotel (PP)+asuransi wisata religi+pengiriman bahan seragam umroh total Rp.8.750.000
* pelunasan plus dokumen sebelum tgl 08 April 2018*
Harga Sudah termasuk:
1. Tiket pesawat Jkt- Saudi (PP)
2. Visa umroh
3. hotel selama umroh
4. Bus AC Za’er/ Dallah 2017
5. City tour / ziarah kota Madinah dan Mekkah
6. Muthawwif
7. Tour Leader dari Indonesia
8. Air zam-zam 5 liter
9. Catering menu indonesia 3x sehari
10. Asuransi jiwa selama 1.5th (bila meninggal LUNAS bagi yg ikut umroh dana talangan)
11: Asuransi wisata religi selama umroh
12. Perlengkapan
Harga Belum Termasuk :
1. Biaya Mahrom (bagi perempuan usia 45 tahun ke bawah yang berangkat tanpa muhrimnya) :350.000
2. Pengiriman Perlengkapan ke daerah masing2 / ambil sendiri di ktr pusat cinere
3. Kelebihan bagasi
4. Handling Airport Rp. 1 juta
5. Karantina 1 malam nginap di hotel dekat bandara utk manasik + sarapan+antar jemput dari bandara-hotel(PP): bagi jamaah di luar DKI :1jt
(Bagi yang di DKI di anjurkan ikut krn manasik setelah ba’da isya)
6. Visa progresive : 7.500.000
7. Tour di luar program dari travel
8. Akomodasi pengurusan biaya RS (apa bila ada yang sakit)
Prosedur ikut dana talangan:
Photo KTP
No Hanndphone Jamaah
Alamat Rumah
Rekening Listrik/ PBB
Slip gaji/buku tabungan 3 bulan terakhir.
(Cat: bila no.4 tidak punya, bagi pedagang/petani dll, kami akan survey tempat usahanya dan lampirkan bukti transaksi usahanya)
Setelah saya terima berkas itu semua, team survey kami akan ke rumah calon jamaah talangan tsb.( jamaah harus menyiapkan photo kopi berkas yang sudah di kirim lewat WA saya,untuk di bawa oleh team survey kami) tunggu 2 hari kerja, apa bila di ACC oleh team survey kami, maka jamaah tsb harus transfer ke rekening perusahaan PT. APATOUR, Jangan lupa bukti transferannya di kirim lewat WA kami: 0813-1822-1120.
Setelah saya terima bukti transferannya tersebut, saya akan kirim perlengkapan umroh ke tempat jamaah(dengan biaya di tanggung oleh jamaah sendiri).
Apabila dokumen sdh kami terima lengkap tanpa ada yang kurang, maka jamaah langsung kami berangkatkan (setiap 3x dalam sebulan, kami berangkatkan jamaah umroh)
Booking :
Travel Apatour have a good quality in Hajj + Umrah Travel Agents & Tours Travel, and also ready to provide a bailout for Umrah.
* UMROH bailout / CASH!
PROGRAM 9 days *
Date 30 April 2018
Aircraft: SV
Medina: Rawdat Al Aqeeq / par * 4 (quard)
Mecca: Lamar Ajyad / par * 5 (quard)
Cash: Rp. 24jt Dp: 1.5 jt
Bailout: Rp. 26jt Dp: 6 jt
The remaining 20 million in installment for 18 months, in genapkan Rp. 1.115 million / month
* When in acc must transfer at the beginning of Rp. DP: 6jt + fees outside installments: 750,000 (cost adimin + survey) +1250.000 (for pilgrims DKI) total Rp.8jt
# While worshipers in the Outer Region #
Bailout: Rp. 26jt Dp: 6 jt
The remaining 20 million in installment for 18 months, in genapkan Rp. 1.115 million / month
* When in acc must transfer at the beginning of Rp. DP: 6jt + fees outside installments: 750,000 (cost adimin + survey) +1250.000 (the pilgrims to the city, For airpottax + handling fee + pendftrn Form umra) + 750.000 quarantine stay / istrht at hotels near newark airport For the rituals + meal + shuttle from the airport to the hotel (PP) + insurance + shipping religious tourism uniform material Umrah total Rp.8.750.000
* Repayment plus documents before date of April 8, 2018 *
Price Includes:
1. Flight tickets Jkt- Arabia (PP)
2. Visa Umrah
3. hotel during Umrah
4. Bus AC Za'er / Dallah 2017
5. City tour / pilgrimage city of Medina and Mecca
6. Muthawwif
7. Tour Leader of Indonesia
8. Air Zam Zam 5 liter
9. Catering Indonesia 3x daily menu
10. Life insurance for a 1.5th (if deceased LUNAS for who participated Umrah bailouts)
11: Insurance religious tourism during the Umrah
12. Supplies
Price does not include:
1. Cost mahram (for women aged 45 years and under who departed without mahram): 350,000
2. Delivery of equipment to the area masing2 / grab yourself at the center Ktr cinere
3. Excess baggage
4. Handling Airport Rp. 1 million
5. Quarantine 1 nginap night at hotels near the airport For manasik + breakfast + shuttle from the airport-hotel (PP): for pilgrims outside the city: 1m
(For those who are in the city at the recommended follow krn rituals after ba'da Isha)
6. Visa progressive: 7,500,000
7. Tour outside of the travel program
8. Accommodation maintenance costs RS (what if someone is sick)
The procedure took bailouts:
Photo ID cards
No Hanndphone Jamaah
Home address
Electricity accounts / UN
Payslips / passbook last 3 months.
(Note: if no.4 not have, for traders / farmers, etc., we will survey the business place and attach proof of their business transactions)
After I received the file it all, the team of our survey will be to house pilgrims bailout page. (Pilgrims must prepare photo copies files that have been sent via WA I, to be taken by the team of our survey) wait 2 days of work, what if in the ACC by our survey team, then the congregation they will have to transfer to the company account PT. APATOUR, do not forget to proof transferannya sent via our WA: 0813-1822-1120.
After I received the transferannya evidence, I will send equipment to the Umrah pilgrims (with the cost covered by the pilgrims themselves).
If we receive a complete SDH document with no less then direct our congregation berangkatkan (each 3 times in a month, we berangkatkan Umrah pilgrims)
Atualizada: 2018-03-29
Versão atual: 1.0
Requer Android: Android 2 or later