Намаз оқып үйрену - Электронды жайнамаз
Educação | 11.9MB
"Electronic zhaynamaz" - This application is a music player that plays suras prayer and special prayer wording (dua) with Tajwid rules, read in namaz. Man, voznamerivavshiysya to pray, stands on the mat includes a player, and repeats as possible for the reader and perform certain actions, such as rukug and sajdah. Together with the rug is a brochure which describes the very action sequences as well as the sura and prayer language in a clear and easy format. We would like to note that the mat with the player is designed for people of all ages, both men and women, who are just learning to pray the prayer.
Elektrondy zhaynamaz, Namaz oқyp үyrenu, Namaz oku ulgisi, Namaz CMOs okyp uyrenu
Atualizada: 2017-12-31
Versão atual: 1.1
Requer Android: Android 2 or later