窮山村小子竟覺醒武神血脈!出山首戰撕碎九大世家!戰力狂飆碾壓修真界! #逆襲復仇 #反轉 #短劇 #男頻 #minidrama #重生 #shortsvideo
Shocking!The Immortal King,discarded,but masters ancient techniques and becomes the God of Creation!
FULL| Injured kids trapped in a destroyed trunk, crying for help. Luckily speical forces found them!
【Full】女總裁被路邊的小乞丐所救,殊不知他竟是雲州的鎮國龍帥,血染玉佩解除封印,美女總裁察覺他身份立馬獻出千萬資產爬他床! #短劇 #逆襲 #爽劇
仙帝歷劫回歸,撞見媽媽被打,黑社會搶女兒,瞬間天地變色,神雷天降,一指將他們碾成飛灰【仙帝奶爸Immortal Emperor Dad】
FULL| Injured kids trapped in a destroyed trunk, crying for help. Luckily speical forces found them!
我的低調司機爸爸竟竟是隱藏大佬?當紅頂流明星和千億美女總裁搶著要幫我當小媽!【司机老爸竟是世界首富 dad is richest man】
【FULL】A modern archaeologist travels to the past and starts by being seduced by a beauty in bed!