strzelanie do ptaków w locie #thehuntercallofthewild #memes #games #shorts
Myna Bird Hunt With PCP air rifle #airgun #hunting #shorts
Bro thought i was out of the blind💀💥🦢 #TheHunterCOTW #GooseHunting #cotw #dux #duckhunting
I shot a flying goose with a bow?! 🎯💥 Call of the wild! 🦆🔥 #callofthewildgameplay
This duck jump scared me, so I had to up the switch and empty the clip!😂💥 #cotw #thehuntercotw
Colorado Pheasant Hunt Preview | Simple Hunts S69 #hunting #birdhunting #birddog
This goose was cruising high with his flock until an arrow dropped it! 🎯🦆 #TheHunterCOTW #BowHunting
OMG😱 Duck Hunting With PCP Airgun | 1 shot 2 Dead