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Weather Forecast Live

3.0.1 for Android
4.5 | 50,000+ Instalacje


Opis Weather Forecast Live

Weather forecast, which has accurate weather information for anytime and everywhere.
Local weather forecast & real time rain, storm, ice & snow reports...
Weather forecast is very helpful with everybody. If you know weather information, You can prepare your plan carefully, you will be sucessful at work and have better life.
You will see that local weather today is updated hourly. Weather forecast app also has a weather report on weather tomorrow, weather for today, also 10 day weather forecast
Weather forecast app is a weather channel let you manage weather of many locations. On home screen, users see weather of their locations. Then users can go to other screens for location management. Users can add London weather, Paris weather, San Francisco weather, Houston weather
Weather app detects weather forecasts in your current weather location automatically. There are many information in weather forcasts which includes atmospheric pressure, weather condition, visibility distance, relative humidity, precipitation in different unites, dew point, wind speed and direction, in addition to ten days future forecast, also hourly weather forecast.
Realtime temperature, humidity, pressure, wind force and wind direction are all in this weather app based.
Weather app has a lot of features:
- Free. It is a free Weather channel, weather network.
- Global. You can see 10 day weather forecast, 7 day weather forecast in any places you like, ex: London weather, Paris weather, San Francisco weather, Houston weather
- Full report. Displays all information of weather: local weather radar, location time, temperature.
- Live weather widget for free: this weather map and climate app offers daily weather, hourly weather forecasts and monthly weather forecasts. Meanwhile, it also provides interstate travel weather forecasts and forecast weather and wind.
- Today, tomorrow, 3 days later, 7 days later. Weather for today, tomorrow’s weather, … hourly weather in each hour.
- detect your location by network or GPS.
- Manage the weather widget reports in multiple locations
- Has 10 day weather check notifications. If you don't like you can turn off this feature
- Weather forecast is very accurate and reliable


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    Android 4.2 or later
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