Lagu Tayub Jawa Terpopuler Offline + Ringtone icon

Lagu Tayub Jawa Terpopuler Offline + Ringtone

1.1 for Android
3.8 | 5,000+ Instalacje

Zona Hiburan

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Opis Lagu Tayub Jawa Terpopuler

Sudah menemukan beberapa aplikasi menarik? 20,000+ Pengguna mendownload Lagu Tayub Jawa Terpopuler Offline + Ringtone versi terbaru di 9Apps secara gratis! Untungnya, mudah untuk mendapatkan aplikasi populer ini. Aplikasi HOT ini di rilis tanggal 2019-12-23. Baca keterangan berikut untuk melihat informasi selengkapnya.
Tentang Lagu Tayub Jawa Terpopuler
Lagu Tayub Jawa Terpopuler adalah sebuah aplikasi Android bagi para penggemar seni musik tradisional Jawa. Lagu Tayub Jawa Terpopuler berisi 37 lagu terpopuler Tayub Jawa. Silahkan di-install dan nikmati merdunya suara para sinden tayub langsung di gadget androidmu. Audio berbasis offline yang dilengkapi dengan fitur Shuffle, Play All, dan Ringtone.
Tayuban, merupakan salah satu kesenian Jawa Tengah yang mengandung unsur keindahan dan keserasian gerak. Tarian ini mirip dengan tari Jaipong dari Jawa Barat. Tari tayub mirip dengan tari Gambyong yang lebih populer dari Jawa Tengah. Tarian ini biasa digelar pada acara pernikahan, khitan serta acara kebesaran misalnya hari kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia. Perayaan kemenangan dalam pemilihan kepala desa, serta acara bersih desa.
Fitur Unggulan
* Audio offline. Dapat dinikmati kapan saja dan di mana saja walau tanpa koneksi internet. Juga tidak perlu streaming sehingga sangat menghemat kuota data.
* Ringtone. Semua Lagu dalam Lagu Tayub Jawa Terpopuler ini dapat dijadikan Ringtone, Notifikasi, dan Alarm pada gadget android kita.
* Fitur Shuffle. Memutar lagu secara random secara otomatis. Memberikan pengalaman yang berbeda dan menghibur tentunya.
* Fitur Play All. Memainkan semua lagu secara otomatis dan terus-menerus. Memberikan kemudahan untuk mendengarkan semua lagu yang tersedia.
* Fitur play, pause, dan slider bar. Memberikan kontrol penuh pada setiap indahnya alunan Lagu Rock Kenangan: Festival ini.
* Minimal permission (permisi). Aman bagi data pribadi karena tidak diambil sama sekali oleh aplikasi ini.
All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engine and website. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creators, musicians and music labels are concerned. If you are the copyright holder of the songs contained in this application and are not pleasing your song displayed, please contact us via email developer and tell us about the status of your ownership.
About the Most Popular Javanese Tayub Song
The Most Popular Javanese Tayub song is an Android application for fans of traditional Javanese art music. The most popular Tayub Jawa song contains 37 of Tayub Jawa's most popular songs. Please install and enjoy the melodious sounds of the Sinden Tayub directly on your Android gadget. Offline based audio equipped with Shuffle, Play All, and Ringtone features.
Tayuban, is one of the arts of Central Java which contains elements of beauty and harmony of motion. This dance is similar to Jaipong dance from West Java. Tayub dance is similar to Gambyong dance which is more popular than Central Java. This dance is usually held at weddings, circumcisions and events such as the great independence day of the Republic of Indonesia. The celebration of victory in the village head election, as well as the village clean event.
Featured Features
* Offline audio. Can be enjoyed anytime and anywhere even without an internet connection. Also no need to stream so it saves data quota.
* Ringtones. All Songs in the Most Popular Tayub Java Song can be used as Ringtones, Notifications, and Alerts on our android gadget.
* Shuffle feature. Play songs randomly automatically. Providing a different and entertaining experience of course.
* Play All feature. Play all songs automatically and continuously. Provides convenience for listening to all available songs.
* Play, pause and slider bar features. Give full control to each beautiful song of Memorable Rock Songs: This Festival.
* Minimal permission (excuse me). Safe for personal data because it is not taken at all by this application.
All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engines and websites. The copyright of all content in this application is fully owned by the creators, musicians and music labels are concerned. If you are the copyright holder of the songs contained in this application and are not pleasing your song displayed, please contact us via email developer and tell us about the status of your ownership.

Co nowego w Lagu Tayub Jawa Terpopuler 1.1

Lagu Tayub Jawa Terpopuler berisi 37 lagu terpopuler dari seni tradisional Tayub Jawa. Audio offline berkualitas lengkap dengan fitur Shuffle, Play All, dan Ringtone. Versi 1.1.


  • Kategoria:
    Muzyka i dźwięk
  • Aktualna wersja:
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  • Wymaga Androida:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • Deweloper:
    Zona Hiburan
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