Complete Heaven and Hell according to the Qur'an icon

Complete Heaven and Hell according to the Qur'an

1.1 for Android
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Beschrijving van Complete Heaven and Hell according to the Qur'an

Indeed, heaven and hell have been created by Allah swt. Both are eternal beings that will not perish. Heaven is reserved for guardians of the righteous God while hell is the punishment for the one who opposes Him except those who receive His mercy. The shadow of heaven can not be imagined by human beings, as well as the punishment of hell is a great punishment, very terrible and very terrible. Ahlus Sunnah wal jama'ah has agreed that heaven and hell are created creatures of Allah. Then there arose Mu'tazilah firqah and Qadariyah that denied the opinion. They argue that both (heaven and hell) will be created by Allah on the Day of Resurrection. The opinion was clearly erroneous because it denied the clear arguments.
1. About heaven
Allah Ta'ala has said: ۞ وسارعوا إلى مغفرة من ربڪم وجنة عرضها ٱلسموٲت وٱأأض أعدت
And hasten to forgiveness from thy Lord and to the Garden which is the breadth of the heaven and the earth prepared for the cautious. (Q.S. Ali-Imran: 133)
In Tafsir Ibn Katsir was written a hadith shahih, that the Prophet saw. said: "If you pray for heaven, then ask for paradise paradise. It is the highest and the middle of heaven. From it flows all the rivers in heaven, while the roof is' Arsy Allah ar-Rahman (The Most Gracious). [Fathul baari (VI / 14), Bukhari (no.2790)]. It is in accordance with the word of Allah in Surah Al-Hadiid: 21: سابقوا إلى مغفرة من ربكم وجنة عرضہا كعرض ٱلسمآء وٱأأضض أعدت للذين ءامنوا بٱلله ورسله ذٲلك فضل ٱلله يؤتيه من يشآء وٱلله ذو ٱلفضل ٱلعظيم
Join the people of your Lord for forgiveness from your Lord and Paradise as wide as the heavens and the earth, prepared for those who believe in Allah and His messengers. That is the gift of God, given to whom He will. And Allah is of great bounty.
Al-Bazzar narrated from Abu Hurairah r., He said: "A man came to the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him). and asked: 'What do you think about the word of Allah regarding:' Heaven wide of heaven and earth ', then where is Hell? Then the Prophet replied: "Do you not see the night when it comes to covering everything, and where is the day? : 'Where God wills'. [The Kasyfl Astaar (III / 43), al-Haitsami in his book Maja'uz Zawaaid (no.10902), VII / 33) said: "This Hadith narrated by al-Bazzar and his narrators are narrators of the books of shahih].
2. About hell
Allah Ta'ala says: وٱتقوا ٱلنار ٱلتى أعدت للكفرين
And guard yourselves from the fire of hell, reserved for those who disbelieve. (Q.S. Ali-Imran: 131).
The verses that explain that people who enter Paradise will stay there forever, among them: (QS Al-Bayyinah: 8), While explaining the permanence of infidels in hell is the word of Allah Ta'ala: (QS Al-Ahzab : 64-65). To view the text of the verse, click Al-Qur'an Online.
The infidels and the hypocrites will go into hell and will abide eternally, as the word of Allah Ta'ala: (Q.S. At-Taubah: 68).
As for the people of the Prophet Muhammad. who go to hell for the great sins and vices they commit, they will not remain in hell. They will come out of hell with the blessings of Allah swt. and the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad. The Prophet said: "Going out of the hell of the person who is in his heart is still in the weight of the dzarrah of faith." [1]. Also, he said: "It is a people of my ummah who will come out of hell for my intercession, they are called jahannamiyyun (the former inhabitants of hell).

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