Try this new Ultimate Calculator Hide which has inbuilt one secret LOCKER that can hide your multimedia files.
• Is your Image/Video/Files/Apps locker or photo/video vault still visible on phone and your girl/boy asks for password? Then try this new multimedia locker with hidden password locker behind working calculator.
~~~ Try this new Ultimate Calculator Hide which has inbuilt one secret LOCKER that can hide your multimedia files such as Images, Videos personal (safety photo video) with password protection.
Ultimate Calculator Hide
File Hide Expert: How to hide and unhide files?
✔ Hide and UN-hide Pictures, Videos and File: Create a new password with security question and than whenever you will ENTER
Calculator will convert into vault. Click on Plus Button( ) at the Top of main screen and then select media from gallery and click plus( ) and lock button to hide into Photo, video locker, files with ULTIMATE CALCULATOR HIDE File Hide Expert .
NOTE: We understand your values of files and photos/videos, so "COPY" Ultimate Calculator Hide after confirming or showing in ULTIMATE Calculator's
Vault you can Delete or Remove yourself from your device storage or SdCard.
★ Everyone will think it as a simple calculator but calculator app where you can hide pictures with File Hide Expert .
★ hide Photo, video locker, file apps No ROOT REQUIRED
★ Import and hide and unhide your Personal Images, Private Videos, Confidential Notes from device storage help with ULTIMATE CALCULATOR HIDE .
★ Instant capture Photo and Record Video from camera inside Locker and hide it.
★ Create new note with Editor inside with Locker File Hide Expert.
★ Delete unwanted Files permanently or Restore it back in External storage.
★ You can find restored files with sub-directories as in locker to application folder in SdCard.
★ An Image-viewer to view images inside locker (GIF playable)
★ Photo Slideshow with viewing images changing automatically(GIF Slideshow also).
★ Video player to watch video inside locker
★ video locker - Photo, video locker, file-Calculator app can secretly Hide Pictures, Videos, file
Photo, video locker, file can be used as regular calculator for daily use
IMPORTANT : In Order To Open Locker/vault you need to CALCULATE / ENTER Correct password into this calculator and magical locker will open So we call it Smart hide calculator is a fully functional calculator app or calculator vault ULTIMATE CALCULATOR HIDE with File Hide Expert "
~~~FAQ:HOW TO change or Recover password..?
✔ Long-press 'C' button
✔ enter old password for change new password n check
✔ or enter random any numbers and check. Password doesn't match message will show.
✔ than ask for security questions, answer it if you remember than your old password will be shown.
✔ if you forgot both password and security question's answer than app uninstall and re-install from play store
✔ open app after re-install, set new password and security question answer and enjoy applications.
Performance enhancement.