Proximal femoral nailing technique. A video was produced from Touch Surgery™ apps.
Touch Surgery Simulation - Connective Tissue Graft for Root Coverage
Elevoplasty is a procedure that treats snoring by lifting and stiffening… credit: Fauquiter ENT (YT)
Touch Surgery Simulation - Gastric Sleeve with Echelon Flex.
Stapler Clip Removal after surgery ? Taanke kaise nikalte hai after surgery ?
I cried when watching this...😭 #fyp #glowup #facialcontouringsurgery #rhinoplasty #plasticsurgery
CONSTIPATION RELIEF in 7 Days with THIS One Simple Technique!
AO Fixation of a Distal Femur Intra Articular Fracture. (A touch Surgery Apps TM)