Met Tactical Gaming Mobile heeft u rechtstreeks toegang tot de tactische gamen vanuit uw Android-apparaat.
- Stuur en ontvang PM's
- Toegang en post naar de meest recente discussies
- Lees en post naar Tactical GamingNieuws
- Bekijk leden Profielen
- Personaliseer uw account overal, op elk moment - upload foto's naar de afbeelding Gallery
We’re always making changes and improvements to TGHQ Mobile.
* Shake Feedback (Report Bugs, send feedback and request features just by shaking your device)
* Added ability to open Profile and topic urls directly on the mobile App
* Fixed reported
issue that caused some users to not be able to reply to topics
* Fixed reported issue where changing device orientation would cause app to crash
* Fixed reported issue where some images would not load properly