Irregular French Verbs Made Easy - Part 1
Conjugating -GER and -CER Present Tense Verbs in French
Acheter (to buy) — Present Tense (French verbs conjugated by Learn French With Alexa)
Acheter (to buy) — Past Tense (French verbs conjugated by Learn French With Alexa)
French Grammar | Les verbes pronominaux (Pronominal verbs) (Part 1/2) | By Suchita | +91-8920060461
2nd group French Verbs ending in IR (with FREE PDF) - Present Tense - French grammar for beginners
French Grammar | Group 1 Regular French "ER" Verbs (Present Tense) | By Suchita | +91-8920060461
This is what French sounds like in everyday life! Learn some French slang #Shorts