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Pembuatan aplikasi ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada anak sedini mungkin tentang agama islam.
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Aplikasi Adzan MP3 berisi suara adzan Terbaru dimana anda bisa mendengarkan kumpulan suara azan terbaru dan terbaik. Berikut ini adalah kami sajikan Kumpulan Download adzan Terbaru dan terlengkap yang menjadi sebuah rujukan penting untuk Anda semua. Melalui aplikasi Koleksi MP3 Azan Terpopuler Sepanjang Masa kita bisa mendapatkan banyak Download suara adzan Mp3 Terbaru dan Terpopuler, selain itu dapat juga secara mudah untuk diputar melalui perangkat Android Anda masing masing.
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Aplikasi mudah digunakan dan tidak memerlukan jaringan internet untuk menjalankan aplikasi Kumpulan Adzan Terbaru Mp3.
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Disclaimer :
All of content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from search engine and website. Please let me know if your original content want to remove from our application.
Adhan, Adhaan, or Azaan. Salah, salat, or namaz. No matter what you call it, Masjid Now has you covered.
Download Azan Ringtones and enjoy the most Most Beautiful Azan by the best Muadins in the Islamic world it can be used as Fajr Alarm, Ezan Alarm or Salat Reminder some exemples of Adan : athan from mecca (makkah ) or medina or al masjid al-haram, Adaan Saudi, ezan from Egypt, Al quds ( Jerusalem ) Athan.
Adhan :
God is greatest, God is greatest : الله أكبر
أشهد ألا إله إلا الله I bear witness that there is no deity but God.
أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
أشهد ان عليا ولي الله I testify that Ali is the Viceregent (wali) of God.
حي على الصلاة Hasten to worship (salat).
حي على الفلاح Hasten to success.
حي على خير العمل The time for the best of deeds has come!
الله أكبر God is the greatest.
لا إله إلا الله There is no deity but God
Muazinines: al ghamidi, abd el basset abd essamad, ali ibn ahmad al mala, issam boukhari, Sheesha, mahmoud al khalil, and mishary rashed alafasy ibrahim Al Arkani mansoor Az Zahrani hamad Deghreri majed al hamathani we made sure to gather all those muadinine from every corner of the Islamic Wold : Saudi, Algerian, Egyptian, sudani, Iraqi, Moroccan, Yemeni, Syrian, Tunisiann Somali, United Emirates, Libyan, Jordanian, Palestinian, mauitanian, Kuwaiti, omanin, quatari, Bahraini,
1. Mp3s & Video dimaksudkan untuk Keperluan Promosi Hanya dan mereka Sole Copyright Berpijak Dengan Masing-masing Audio Music Company mereka !
2. Beli Asli CD & DVD untuk Mendukung Artis Favorit Anda !
3. Aplikasi ini tidak pernah Host Mp3 & Video File!
4. DISCLAIMER !!!! Aplikasi ini hanya menyediakan link untuk mengakses video secara terorganisasi dan kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas masalah hak cipta sebagai aplikasi memberikan akses ke video utub dan link lainnya TERSEDIA ON PUBLIC DOMAIN
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Making this application aims to provide education to the children as early as possible about the religion of Islam.
For my father and mother while accompany the children to play, it would not hurt to try this application.
Children will feel happy and comfortable when listening to the call to prayer, mimicking Learning Athan sounds simultaneously.
MP3 Athan applications contain the call to prayer Recent where you can listen to the sound of the azan a collection of the latest and greatest. Here we present are set Download Latest and most complete azan becomes an important reference for you all. Azan application via MP3 Collection All Time Most we can get a lot of sound azan Mp3 Download Latest and Hottest, but it can also be easy to play through your Android device, respectively.
Going forward, we will always update MP3 Complete azan. Hopefully, the friends all always install the application so that we always have the support of all of them in developing this application. Hopefully Helpful for everything and congratulations using voice applications Adhan latest MP3's from your Android device, respectively. Thank you very much.
Applications in which Internet Only For Pertinjau Preview Only. Buy Genuine Original VCD cassettes of the album, or in the Online Shop As MelOn, Amazon, iTunes Store, Sky Music, and others.
If you want to distribute the application set Recent Athan Mp3 can be used in various ways through:
- Bluetooth
- messages
- Email
- Gmail
- Shareit
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Messenger
- WhatsApp
- fuel
- Etc
Application is easy to use and does not require internet connection to run the application set Recent Athan Mp3.
Thank you
I say Thank you very much to those who have already downloaded this app.
There is a problem ? Please contact us.
All of the content in this application is not our trademark. We only get the content from the search engines and websites. Please let me know if your original content want to remove from our application.
Adhan, adhaan, or Azaan. One, the prayers, or namaz. No matter what you call it, Masjid Now has you covered.
Download Azan Ringtones and enjoy the most Most Beautiful Azan by the best Muadins in the Islamic world it can be used as Fajr Alarm, Ezan Alarm or Salat Reminder some exemples of Adan: Athan from mecca (Mecca) or medina or al-masjid al-haram , Circumstances Arabia, ezan from Egypt, the Jerusalem (Jerusalem) Athan.
God is greatest, God is greatest: الله أكبر
أشهد ألا إله إلا الله I bear witness that there is no deity but God.
أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of God.
أشهد ان عليا ولي الله I testify that Ali is the Viceregent (guardian) of God.
حي على الصلاة Hasten to worship (salat).
حي على الفلاح Hasten to success.
حي على خير العمل The time for the best of deeds has come!
الله أكبر God is the greatest.
لا إله إلا الله There is no deity but God
Muazinines: al Ghamidi, abd el basset abd essamad, ali ibn ahmad al mala, issam Boukhari, Sheesha, mahmoud al companion, and mishary rashed Alafasy ibrahim Al Arkani mansoor Az Zahrani hamad Deghreri majed al hamathani we made sure to gather all Reviews those muadinine from every corner of the Islamic Wold: Saudi, Algerian, Egyptian, Sudani, Iraqi, Moroccan, Yemeni, Syrian, Somali Tunisiann, United Emirates, Libyan, Jordanian, Palestinian, mauitanian, Kuwaiti, omanin, quatari, Bahraini,
1. Mp3s & Videos meant for Promotional Purposes Only and they Sole Copyright Rests With Each Audio Music Company them!
2. Buy Original CDs & DVDs to Support Your Favorite Artists!
3. The application never Hosts Mp3 & Videos Files!
4. DISCLAIMER !!!! This app only provides links to access the videos in an organized way and we are not responsible for copyright issues as the app gives access to video Utub and other links AVAILABLE ON PUBLIC DOMAIN
- Optimisasi API 28 / Android 9
- fix crash some smartphone