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Canary Training

1.0 for Android
3.0 | 10,000+ ထည့်သွင်းရန်


၏ဖော်ပြချက် Canary Training

Hot applications make large number of downloads. 10,000+ users downloaded Canary Training latest version on 9Apps for free every week! And it was enormous fun This hot app was released on 2015-08-09. Here are some guides of this app:
The Canaries are amazing singers, their song is very metallic, bright,and harmonious with different notes. We hope you like and enjoy this app, also we will be glad if our application helps your canaries to respond and start singing along with ours. Thanks for listening and we wish the best for your canaries.
Canaries are lively, intelligent birds, known for their singing, and friendly companionship. Many owners train their canary to sit on their hand, on a perch, and to fly around the room.Though young birds are easier to train, you can tame and train most canaries with enough patience and consistent practice.
Let your canary get used to her surroundings:
It’s best to focus on training one canary at a time, with one canary in a single cage in a room. Canaries are prone to getting nervous about possible predators around them, so be patient and let your canary get familiar with the area around her cage. Avoid making sudden movements and loud noises when you enter the room so you don’t startle your bird.
Spend time sitting in the room with your canary for the first several days. When you enter the room, make a low sound or whistle and then repeat the same sound or whistle every time you enter the room. This will become your “special noise” for your canary, which will signal her of your presence.
Keep her cage at eye level:
Hang your bird’s cage so it sits eye level with you, as she can become stressed from having to make too many movements with her head. Place her cage in a room with some household activity so she can watch you and become comfortable with your presence.
At night, cover her cage with a dark cloth so she knows when it’s night and time for bed. Take the covering off in the morning so she can recognize that it is day and time for activity.
Observe your canary:
Avoid direct eye contact when you first enter and sit in the room, as many birds associate direct eye contact with danger. Instead, watch your canary in her cage from a safe distance. As you watch your canary during the first few days, you may note she is flitting around the cage as well as feeding, bathing and preening in your presence.
Once she stops flitting around and grooming herself, you can begin to make closer contact with her.
Talk quietly to your canary for 10 to 15 minutes, twice a day:
This will help your canary get familiar with you over a period of time, and build your relationship. Sit near her cage, whistle to her, and talk in a quiet tone. Over time, she will recognize your voice and come to see you as a friend.
Stress can kill canaries so focus on acting calm and soothing around her. Some canary owners create a certain low noise, like a humming or shushing, that they then repeat when they move close to the canary’s cage. The canary will get used to the “special noise” and come to associate it with their owner and with comfort.
Practice calling your canary to your hand:
Once your bird starts to venture out of her cage on her own and becomes comfortable landing on perches around the room, you can train her to land on your hand. Use treats to motivate her and reward her during this training.
Once your bird is out of her cage, hold a treat in your hand, between two fingers. Create a perch with your two fingers together and out straight. Call your canary to you, using the “special noise”.
If she lands successfully on your two fingers, reward her with a treat. Continue to do this until she seems comfortable landing on your hand.
Young birds develop their singing abilities in strikingly different ways, depending on their species. For example, songbirds such as canary, goldfinch, wrens, sparrows, thrushes, and warblers learn their songs from others. In contrast, flycatchers and their relatives don't need to learn their songs--they inherit all the genetic instructions they need to sing the appropriate song.
Canaries cannot talk, only parrot is talking and some birds talks like budgerigar, parakeet.


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