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Ceramah Ustadz Abdus Somad Lc.

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၏ဖော်ပြချက် Ustadz Abdus Somad

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Ustadz Abdus Somad Batubara, Lc., D.E.S.A., atau lebih dikenal dengan Ustadz Abdus Somad (Lahir di Silo Lama, Asahan, Sumatera Utara, 18 Mei 1977; umur 41 tahun) adalah seorang pendakwah dan ulama Indonesia yang sering mengulas berbagai macam persoalan agama, khususnya kajian ilmu hadis dan Ilmu fikih. Selain itu, ia juga banyak membahas mengenai nasionalisme dan berbagai masalah terkini yang sedang menjadi pembahasan hangat di kalangan masyarakat. Namanya dikenal publik karena Ilmu dan kelugasannya dalam memberikan penjelasan dalam menyampaikan dakwah yang disiarkan melalui saluran Youtube. Ustadz Abdus Somad saat ini bertugas sebagai dosen di Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim (UIN Suska) Riau.
Kajian-kajiannya yang tajam dan menarik membuat banyak orang suka dengan tausiahnya. Ulasan yang cerdas dan lugas, ditambah lagi dengan keahlian dalam merangkai kata yang menjadi sebuah retorika dakwah, membuat ceramah Ustadz Abdus Somad begitu mudah dicerna dan mudah dipahami oleh berbagai kalangan masyarakat. Banyak dari ceramah Ustadz Abdus Somad yang mengulas berbagai macam persoalan agama. Dan bahkan bukan itu saja, ceramah Ustadz Abdus Somad juga banyak yang membahas mengenai masalah-masalah terkini, nasionalisme dan berbagai masalah yang sedang menjadi pembahasan hangat di kalangan masyarakat.
Berikut daftar ceramah & tanya jawab Ustadz Abdus Somad Lc. :
Full Ceramah:
1. Ceramah di Lapangan Dr Murjani Banjarbaru, Kalsel
2. Ceramah di Aula PIH Batam Centre
3. Ceramah Al-Ra'iyah DPRD Provinsi Sumatera
4. Ceramah di Masjid Al-Muqarrabin Kampus Yayasan Al Mu'in
5. Ceramah Di Masjid Al-Ittihad Cibubur Jakarta Timur
6. Ceramah Ponpes Nurul Qadim Paiton Probolinggo
7. Ceramah Di Masjid Ulul Azmi Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya
8. Ceramah Di Masjid Namira Lamongan
9. Ceramah di Masjid Az-Zikra Sentul
10. Ceramah Di Mabes TNI AD
Tanya Jawab I :
1. Benarkah Habaib Itu Bukan Keturunan Nabi?
2. Kenapa UAS Tidak Mau Masuk Politik?
3. Cara Mengganti Puasa Ibu Menyusui
4. Sahkah Sholatnya Orang Yang Bertato?
5. Bolehkah Qurban 1 Ekor Kambing Untuk 1 Keluarga?
6. Gagal Nikah Gara2 Beda Ormas
7. Bagaimana Cara Menyikapi Persaudaraan Dan Bisnis?
8. Boleh Mengucapkan Selamat Natal Asalkan Ini
9. Akibat Buruk Dari Memakan Harta Riba
10. Benarkah Baca Yaasiin Saat Orang Meninggal Bid'ah?
Tanya Jawab II:
1. Bolehkah Sholat Jumat Di Mushalah?
2. Bolehkah Niat Qurban Sekalian Aqiqah?
3. Apa Hukum Memejang Foto Keluarga Didalam Rumah?
4. Apa Saja Syarat-Syarat Poligami?
5. Bagaimana Cara Rasul Saw Mendidik Anak2nya?
6. Apa Hukum Melukis Mahluk Hidup?
7. Bahaya Syi'ah! Beda Nikah Mut'ah Dengan Nikah Niat Talaq
8. Bagaimana Sikap Suami Saat Istri Melawan?
9. Menuruti Suami Atau Orang Tua?
10. Kenapa Laki-Laki Tidak Boleh Pakai Emas Dan Sutra?
Ustadz Abdus Somad Batubara, Lc., DESA, or better known as Ustadz Abdus Somad (Born in Silo Lama, Asahan, North Sumatra, May 18, 1977; age 41) was an Indonesian preacher and scholar who often discussed various religious issues, especially the study of hadith science and Jurisprudence. In addition, he also discussed a lot about nationalism and various current issues that are being discussed in the community. His name is known to the public because of his knowledge and innocence in giving explanations in delivering da'wah broadcast on Youtube channels. Ustadz Abdus Somad is currently serving as a lecturer at the Sultan Syarif Kasim State Islamic University (UIN Suska) Riau.
His sharp and interesting studies make many people like his tausiah. A smart and straightforward review, coupled with expertise in stringing words into a rhetoric of da'wah, making Ustadz Abdus Somad's lecture so easy to digest and easily understood by various groups of society. Many of Ustadz Abdus Somad's lectures discussed various kinds of religious issues. And not even that, Ustadz Abdus Somad's lectures also discussed a lot of current issues, nationalism and various issues that are being discussed in the community.
The following is a list of lectures & questions and answers from Ustadz Abdus Somad Lc. :
Full Lecture:
1. Lecture at the Field of Dr. Murjani Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan
2. Lecture at the PIH Batam Center Hall
3. Al-Ra'iyah Lecture of the Sumatra Provincial DPRD
4. Lecture at Al-Muqarrabin Mosque, Al Mu'in Foundation Campus
5. Lecture at Al-Ittihad Mosque in Cibubur, East Jakarta
6. Lecture at Ponpes Nurul Qadim Paiton Probolinggo
7. Lecture at the Ulm Azmi Mosque Airlangga University, Surabaya
8. Lectures at Namira Lamongan Mosque
9. Lecture at the Az-Zikra Sentul Mosque
10. Lecture at Army Headquarters
Question and Answer I:
1. Is Habaib Really Not a Descendent of the Prophet?
2. Why doesn't UAS want to enter politics?
3. How to Change Fasting for Breastfeeding Mothers
4. Is the Prayer the Person Who Tattoos?
5. Can Sacrifice 1 Goat's Tail For 1 Family?
6. failed marriage because of different organizations
7. How to respond to brotherhood and business?
8. May Say Merry Christmas Provided This
9. The Bad Effects of Eating Riba Assets
10. Is it true that Yaasiin reads when people die heresy?
Question and Answer II:
1. Can Friday Prayers in Mushalah?
2. Can the Intent of Sacrifice of All Aqiqah?
3. What is the Law of Closing Family Photos Inside the House?
4. What are the Polygamy Terms?
5. How do the Apostles see educate their children?
6. What is the Law of Painting a Living Being?
7. Dangers of Shia! Difference between Mut'ah Marriage and Marriage Intention Talaq
8. How Is Husband's Attitude When Wife Against?
9. Do you follow your husband or parents?
10. Why can't men use gold and silk?

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Video Ceramah & Tanya Jawab Ustadz Abdus Somad Lc.


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