Tebak Nama Hewan untuk Anak

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Apakah si kecil saat ini sedang senang-senangnya melihat hewan-hewan dan menghafalkan namanya? Hal ini memang wajar karena seiring bertambahnya usia keingintahuan anak yang sehat dan aktif akan semakin besar. Mempelajari banyak hal sejak usia dini juga dapat merangsang potensi akademik buah hati Anda hingga besar nanti. Karena itu buatlah suasana belajar menjadi seru dan menyenangkan, misalnya dengan bermain. Salah satunya adalah membuat permainan tebak gambar binatang. Begini caranya:
• Siapkan gambar-gambar binatang dan mintalah si kecil untuk menebak namanya.
• Bila buah hati Anda sudah hafal banyak nama hewan dan bentuknya, buatlah tantangan baru. Siapkan gambar binatang tapi hanya bayangannya saja dan mintalah anak untuk menyebutkan namanya.
Selamat mencoba.
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If you believe that any content posted on the this games infringes copyright, you may send us a notification inlcuding all relevant information: Notification of copyright infringement
Thanks Freepik, for the images asset! :D
Is your child currently enjoying the animals and memorizing his name? This is indeed reasonable because as the age of curiosity grows a healthy and active child will get bigger. Studying a lot of things from an early age can also stimulate your child's academic potential to a large extent later. Therefore make the learning atmosphere fun and fun, for example by playing. One of them is making the game guess the animal image. Here's how:
• Prepare pictures of animals and ask your child to guess his name.
• When your baby has memorized many animal names and shapes, make new challenges. Prepare an animal image but just imagine it and ask the child to say his name.
Good luck.
Copyrights Infringement Notification
If you believe that any content posted on the this game infringes copyright, you may send us a notification inlcuding all relevant information: Notification of copyright infringement
Thanks Freepik, for the images asset! : D

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လက်ရှိဗားရှင်း: 0.0.1

Android လိုအပ်သည်: Android 4.4 or later


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