
A dose de paracetamol e ibuprofeno varia consoante o peso. O APP SOS Febre e Dor calcula a dose a administrar destes dois medicamentos, nas suas 3 formulações: comprimidos, xarope e supositório, assim como os cuidados a ter com estes medicamentos.
Dispões ainda de informações úteis sobre a febre e a dor, explicando o mecanismo de acção, e propondo intervenções para além da toma dos medicamentos.
The dose of acetaminophen and ibuprofen varies by weight. The APP SOS Fever and Pain calculates the dose to be administered of these two medicines, in its 3 formulations: tablets, syrup and suppository, as well as the care with these medicines.
You also have useful information about fever and pain, explaining the mechanism of action, and proposing interventions beyond the taking of medicines.

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လက်ရှိဗားရှင်း: 9.5

Android လိုအပ်သည်: Android 4.1 or later


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