
How To Know If You Are Pregnant app helps you to answer the question that “am I pregnant?” After one month of the Last Intercourse every women wants to know if she is pregnant or not…
Here are some signals about pregnancy. In this app when you will give the right answers of the questions about pregnancy, this app will help you to know either you are pregnant or not.
For those, who say “how can I understand whether I am pregnant”, there is an easy to know if you are pregnant application, that you can apply at home, at work, on the way, in short you can apply it at everywhere. You can get more information about mentioned symptoms, in other words, signs of pregnancy, with brief descriptions made after each question. Is this a pregnancy symptom or not, it is very easy to learn this with this app!
Hoe om te weet as jy swanger is
Leer tekens van swangerskap.
Hoe om te weet as jy swanger is, help jou om die vraag te beantwoord wat "Ek is swanger?" Na een maand van die Laaste Intercourse wil elke vrou weet of sy swanger is of nie ...
Hier is 'n paar seine oor swangerskap. In hierdie app wanneer jy die regte antwoorde van die vrae oor swangerskap sal gee, sal hierdie inligting jou help om te weet of jy swanger is of nie.
Vir diegene wat sê "hoe kan ek verstaan of ek swanger is", is dit maklik om te weet of jy swanger is, dat jy tuis kan werk, onderweg, kortliks kan jy dit oral toepas . U kan meer inligting kry oor genoemde simptome, met ander woorde tekens van swangerskap, met kort beskrywings wat na elke vraag gemaak word. Is dit 'n swangerskap simptoom of nie, dit is baie maklik om dit te leer met hierdie inligting!

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လက်ရှိဗားရှင်း: 1.0

Android လိုအပ်သည်: Android 4.0 or later


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