Dialer & Call Screen

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Dialer & Call Screen free application consist of three main parts. Three main parts of application customize application are phone dialer with functional dialpad, call screen changer and flash alerts with flash on call and flash on SMS. Due to application user can easily customize phone dialpad and customize phone caller id answer screen using only dialer & call screen application. Flash on call and flash on sms allows You to notice about incoming call and incoming SMS. If Your eyes can not see caller name and caller number do not worry. Due to application You can customize font size of caller name and caller number.
More about dialer dialpad
Dialer dialpad has white dialer theme. Dial pad supports fast contact find option. For example to find contact with name of White user should type 94483. W on dialpad is written with 9 number, h and i with 4, t with 8 and e with 3. User also can find contact by typing contact number or part of contact number. To find contact which contains space symbol just use *. This contact fast find option allows to make quick call without opening phone book, contacts or call logs. So simple dialer allows to directly make quick calls. Dialer works fast and mobile number dial process has good performance. After mobile number typing user can directly create new contact by that number. Contact phone book of dialer & call screen application also has good performance, works fast, supports contacts with contact photo. Phone book has contact search option. Call log shows incoming call, outgoing call, missed call and rejected call recent calls history of last 30 days all in one place with information of call duration.
More about call screen
Due to dialer and call screen free phone customize application user can easily change incoming call screen. Application built-in phone caller id answer screen changer allows to set one of five incoming call screens or just disable all and use phone standart caller screen. Each of that five caller screens has incoming call confirm different methods.
Use Dialer and Call Screen application if Your eyes can not see caller name and caller number. Due to application You can customize font size of call screen. There are 17 font size levels. So You will see caller name without wearing glasses. To increase caller font size just click on increase button or to decrease click on decrease button in call screen activity. Use big fonts and enjoye large call screen without wearing glasses.
Just slide green button to confirm call if You use slide to answer caller id screen and click on white phone icon to reject call manually.
Touch and than slide left or right to confirm or reject call if You use glowpad call screen. Click on green button to confirm call and click on red button to reject call when You use ios call screens. There are two ios call screen white ios call screen and dark ios call screen. There is also galaxy call screen. Touch on green or red phone icon and then move fingers to center to confirm or reject incoming call. All of these call screens are shown in full screen when incoming call is comming. All are full screen caller id screens. Two of call screens use phone default background image. To change call screen background You should change Your phone background image.
By default custom call screen is disabled. To enable custom caller screen open call screen changer activity and than press on red circle button to enable custom call screen. If color of button placed bottom of activity is green it means that call screen is enabled. To replace call screen just slide activity right or left. After changing call screen by slide call screen will automaticly set by custom call screen. Phone ringtone does not change if You change incoming call screen.
Call screens does not contain advertisement.
More about flash alerts with flash on call and flash on SMS
-Built in Flash on Call and SMS
-Customize flash alerts

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လက်ရှိဗားရှင်း: 1.2.2

Android လိုအပ်သည်: Android 4.0 or later


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