Bats! M3u streaming player

3.5 (331)

Media & Video | 492.9KB


Bats! M3u is an extremely simple streaming media player.
It does one thing: loads m3u files containing http and https URLs, and plays them. You can also have content:// or file:// URLs in the m3u files, and as of 1.468 files relative to the m3u are supported!
To use Bats! M3u, download an M3u file, then open it in your file manager of choice. When prompted, select Bats! M3u to play the file.
If authorization is required, URLs should have http://username:password@host:port/ format.
For Android 4.1 and up, the UI is entirely handled within the notification bar. Click the notification itself to end playback, or use the buttons to seek or pause. For previous versions, a very basic UI activity will pop up allowing similar control over the app.
Bats! M3u respects audio focus, which means it will gracefully exit if you start another media player. It will also pause when you remove your headphones, and while Bats! M3u is running your headset button will play/pause the music.

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ဘာထူးသလဲ Bats! M3u

Fix username:password URIs with Android 6+.
Fix potential crash when playing without a network connection.
Fix potential crash after a playback error.



လက်ရှိဗားရှင်း: 1.468693

Android လိုအပ်သည်: Android 2.2 or later


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