Spot the Difference: Can You Find Differences In 90 Seconds? 【Find the Difference】
[#3-5] "이 그림에서 차이점을 찾을 수 있나요?" / Spot the difference / 집중력 향상 / 치매 예방
Spot the Difference: Only Genius Can Find 3 Differences In 90 Seconds 【Find the Difference】
Spot the Difference: 3% Genius Can Find The All Differences 【Find the Difference】
Spot the Difference: Only Top 5% Find Differences 【Find the Difference】
Spot the Difference: If You Find The Differences, Your IQ Is Over 130 【Find the Difference】
Find the Difference: 5% Can Find All! Not Easy To Find! 【Spot the Difference】
틀린그림 찾기 5 ("Spot the Difference")