Charging Animation: Charging Play is splendid that show magnificent charging show & battery animation on your smartphone when screen is lock. There is variety of flashing charging animation and alluring graphics for battery charging. User can conveniently choose customize wallpaper charge and enjoy incredible animation collection.
Charging Animation: Charging Play is astonishing battery charging animation application where user has exquisite charging animation and charging show on phone screen when put on charge. Battery animation is automatically displayed once phone is connected to charging cable. User can do personalization setting where you get freedom to select wide range of custom wallpapers. Choose customize battery skin in order to enjoy attractive video wallpaper charge. Furthermore, user can unlock new amazing feature without any hassle also augment-charging speed and make a galaxy battery.
Charging Animation: Charging Play is resplendent flashing charging animation tool that let user to charge mobile phone in more dynamic and gorgeous way. A spectacular charging show & battery animation on mobile screen for better recharging of your phone. This characteristic enhance the charging speed along with no permission needed from user whenever user intended to use them any time and at any place. There are numerous customize battery skin available according individual user’s choice. Battery charging animation app an option of managing screen time duration also has distinctive charging play, galaxy battery clock & battery percentage color.
Charging Animation: Charging Play is unmatchable flashing charging animation app that has distinguishing animation as user connect with cable. This is entirely different app because of its customization of wallpaper charge and galaxy battery. You can custom upload battery charging animation of own unique styles. Nevertheless, it increases the charging speed and user can unlock the beautiful pattern. Now pick customized batter skin of your own desire and choice. You can also invite friends to win exciting features. So, install this unique app and enjoys its unlimited qualities.