Tafheem ul Quran | Urdu Tafseer & Translation icon

Tafheem ul Quran | Urdu Tafseer & Translation

1.0.18 for Android
4.8 | 5,000+ 설치 수


설명 Tafheem ul Quran | Urdu Tafseer & Translation

In the name of Allah The Beneficent and The Merciful.
Tafheem-ul-Quran Urdu Tafseer (Tafsir) and Quran Translation (Towards Understanding the Quran) written by modernist and orthodox Islamic scholar Syed Abul Ala Maududi.
It differs from traditional Quran translations and Tafseers in a way that it covers both aspects modernist and orthodox. It also cover discussions about many aspects of life including social sciences, economics, history, politics, beliefs and faiths.
Maududi highlights Quranic perspectives in all fields of life after discussing modern traditions in all fields of life. Moulana Maududi uses standard techniques to argue, includes historical background of verses with Sunnah of Muhammad (P.B.U.H).
Tafheem ul Quran deals with real issues faced by modern world including muslims and non-muslims.
By using this app user can easily understand quran, Read Quran, book mark ayah, can easily switch to Dark Mode, Night Mode and default mode. User can easily select different themes, fonts families and fonts sizes for Quran words and its translation. There are 3 different modes available in our app simple mode (Mushaf Mode Only Arabic), Arabic and translation mode (Which also include word by word translation), and Tafseer mode.
App Features:
Complete Tafheem ul Quran.
Complete Tafseer
Word by Word Translation
Word by Word Colour Feature added
All 6 Volumes of Tafheem Ul Quran
Complete Quran With Translation
Complete Tafheem ul Quran 6 Volumes
Customize Arabic Font Size
Customize Urdu Font Size
Save Bookmarks
Do read and get benefit from this app in shaa Allah and help us spread the message of Islam to as many people as possible.
Also, do give your feedback about the app.

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    Android 4.1 or later
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