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Shri Krishna Pranami Dharma

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Jenish Web

설명 Shri Krishna Pranami Dharma

Pranami Dharma spreads monotheism. i.e. confidence in one Supreme Power, Namely Poorna Brahma Sacchidanand (Satchidanand)Parmatma.
The casual establishment of Pranami Dharma was laid amid the Braj and Raas Leela (Krishna Leela) in Dwapar,r roughly 5000 years prior in this vaporous world.
It considers Shri Krishna of Braj and Raas leela as an epitome of Poornabrahm Parmatma or the Supreme Lord.
It was established by Nijanand Swami Acharya Shri Devchandra ji. Subsequently, the religion initially began as Nijanand Sampradaya and later came to be known as Shri Krishna Pranami Dharma.
Our sacred writing is Tartam Sagar which is otherwise called Swaroop Saheb, and is a Book of REVELATIONS. It was uncovered through Mahamati Prannath roughly 350-400 years back.
Mahamati Prannath ji, was the supporter of Shri Devchandra ji and He is in charge of spread of its rationality crosswise over Indian Subcontinent.
The theory helps in a reasonable outline of Self (atma/soul), Overself (standard atma), Supreme Self or Supreme Lord (Parmatma) in the ethereal world and of conscience, brain and body in the vaporous world and proceeds to depict the connection between them.
It helps in understanding how as well as why - the reason-the universe and world was made.
Sundarsath (as the devotees of Pranami Dharma are called) pursue the way of affection as is between a Lover and the Beloved. This is just conceivable if a man can transcend the substantial presence and can harp on the dimension of soul/soul while staying in the vaporous presence.
The logic helps in comprehending the different divinities, demi-Gods and Goddesses as are communicated in Philosophy of Sanatan Dharma.
It clarifies the pith of different religious sacred texts of the west and proceeds to demonstrate that the decent variety between them is undesirable. Fundamentally all religions discuss the Same Lord Supreme, however are called by various names.
It unmistakably answers the accompanying inquiries – Who am I? Where am I from? What is my motivation of being in this world? Who is my starting point? What is the association with my Origin?
The Sundarsath welcome each other utilizing the word Pranam, which means I bow to the soul in you which is the encapsulation of Supreme Lord, Sat-Chid-Anand meaning Truth-Consciousness-Bliss.
Any one, who can love One Lord Supreme as a Beloved, is really following the way of a Pranami, despite the fact that, one doesn't know about one's association with the Lord Supreme. On the off chance that one picks up the information one has with the Lord Supreme, the simplicity with which one can accomplish Him is unparalleled.
The sundarsath pursue an idea of an Asht-prahar (asht-eight//prahar-comprises of 3hours) seva pooja (love saturated petition) to keep a steady consciousness of the closeness to and association with Lord Almighty nonstop.
Jamnagar was a critical focal point of Indian development. With the commitments of remarkable pioneers of thought and religion, it was viewed as a little Kashi, the heavenly of the holiest of religious habitats for journey and learning. It is here that Shri Devchandraji gained from the well known intellectual Kanji Bhatt Bhagwat Katha for a long time with single sharpness and understood the significance of Bhagwat and accomplished Bhrahma Vidya (divine learning and acknowledgment).
After this experience from Tartam Mantra, Shri Devchandraji attempted crafted by giving solid shape and frame and called this stream Nijanand Sampradaya, when he made Jamnagar his significant focus of task where he clarified Vedas, Vedantic learning and Bhagwatam in basic dialect comprehensible to lay people regardless of social class and religious contrasts, and shown them Tartam Mantra. This gathering of people/devotees are currently known as Sunder Sath/Pranami.


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