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HICLASS는 다른 지능형 학습자가 공동으로 공동으로 공부하고 공통 입구, 주니어를 위해 객관식 질문 (MCQ)을 해결하기 위해 학생들을 연결합니다.WAEC, JAMB UTME, WAEC SSCE, DECO SSCE 및 학부 시험.
행복한 학습!
Changes in 2.10.2
• Performance improvements and bug fixes.
• Invitation to Tutorial Groups via link.
• Using links to sharing questions and responses (to other apps).
Previous Changes
• Private groups added for tutors/educator/students to collaborate and study privately.
• Incomplete ordering of the leaderboard is fixed.
• You can collaborate with other smart learners to prepare for your Common Entrance, Junior WAEC, WAEC SSCE, NECO SSCE, JAMB UTME and Undergrad exams