Diagnosa Keperawatan Populer icon

Diagnosa Keperawatan Populer

3.0.0 for Android
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It can be said with certainty that 30,000+ users downloaded Diagnosa Keperawatan Populer latest version on 9Apps for free every week! It is the app that defined the best for a generation. This hot app was released on 2017-12-12. Get the latest version now!
Nursing diagnosis is a clinical decision about the response of individuals, families and communities about the actual or potential health problems, which is based on education and experience, nurses akontabilitas can identify and provide intervention for certain to maintain, decrease, limit, stop and change the client's health status
The nursing process has been synonymous as a scientific method for the recipient nursing nursing actions presented in accordance with the five steps of the nursing process: 1. Assessment. Establish a baseline of a client 2. Analysis. Identification and selection of client care needs maintenance purposes 3. Planning. To plan a strategy to achieve the goals set for client care. 4. Implementation. Initiate and complete the actions required to achieve the objectives that have been determined 5. Evaluation. Determine how far the goals of nursing that have been achieved.
There are three essential components of a nursing diagnosis that has been referred to as a form of PES (Gordon, 1987). "P" was identified as a problem / problems of health, "E" indicates the etiology / cause of the problem, and "S" describes a group of signs and symptoms, or what is known as "the defining characteristics of" the third part of its integration in a statement using "the associated with ". Then diagnoses is written in the following way: Problem "associated with" etiology "evidenced by" signs and symptoms (defining characteristics). Problems can be identified as the human response to health concerns actual or potential according to data obtained from the study done by the nurse. Etiology is shown through the experiences of individuals who have past, the influence of genetics, environmental factors that exist today, or pathophysiological changes. Signs and symptoms describe what clients say and what is observed by nurses who identify their specific problems. Information displayed on each nursing diagnosis include the following: 1. Definition. Referring to the definition used in the diagnosis NANDA nursing -diagnosa been determined. 2. Possible Etiology ( "related"). This section states the possible causes for the problems that have been identified. Which is not dinyakatakan by NANDA bracketed []. Factors related / risk is given to high-risk diagnoses. 3. Defining characteristics ( "evidenced by"). This section includes signs and symptoms are clear enough to indicate the existence of a problem. Again as in the definition and etiology. Which is not expressed by NANDA bracketed []. 4. Goals / Objectives. This -pernyataan written statement in accordance with the client's behavior objectively. Goals / objectives must be measurable, is the long and short term goals, to be used in evaluating the effectiveness of nursing interventions to address the problems that have been identified. Maybe there will be more than a short-term objectives, and may be a "stepping stone" to meet long-term goals. 5. Specific Interventions with Rational. Only appropriate interventions for diagnosis section shown. Rational-rational used for intervention include clarifying basic nursing knowledge and to assist in the selection of appropriate interventions for the client. 6. Expected Results Clients / Criterion Round. Changes in behavior in accordance with the client's readiness to return are likely to be evaluated. 7. Drug Information - Medicine. This information includes the implications of nursing, accompanying chapters which each correspond clarification.


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