Card Games
카드 | 145.3MB
이 응용 프로그램에는 7 개의 경쟁 카드 게임과 1 개의 솔리테어가 포함됩니다.
게임 :
Canasta, Concention, Euchre, Fan Tan, Hearts, Klaberjass 및 Spades
Solitaire :
사용자 설명서 (PDF) :
homepage :
version 1.0.26
The problem of the First Dealer option is fixed.
The problem of Concentration is fixed.
version 1.0.25
The default game is changed to Hearts.
The trick counter is fixed when the omnibus rule is selected in Hearts.
The trick counter is added to Euchre.
The message is changed from "pick" to "order" in Euchre.
version 1.0.24
Fixed the scroll function
Fixed the animation program
Fixed the ads program