قصص وعبر
교육 | 2.9MB
The first and best Arabic application combines the best stories and the finest lessons in Arabic and translated foreign modern and old from BC renewed daily, and in a manner suitable for everyone and at the lowest possible size
Historical stories
Arab Stories
With a lesson and motivational stories
Poignant stories
Purposeful stories and old jokes
Children's Stories
Realistic and sad stories
Koran stories
It has a mind full of the rule of stories and proverbs and through the sermon and motivational ..
Do not forget to stories and through our assessment pal 5 stars and deploy the application in support of Arabs for developers and dissemination of Arabic content on a larger scale
تم تحديث التطبيق بتصميم جديد واضافات جديدة حسب تعليقاتكم :)
- يمكنك الان مشاركة القصص مع اصحابك
- يوجد خاصة المفضلة حيث يمكنك قراءة القصص في اي وقت دون الحاجة للاتصال في الشبكة
- اسرع في التحميل
- بدون مشاكل
- يدعم اجهزة التابلت Support Tablet