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@UC Universal Converter mapviewer
Converter for files
actuall support convert xls to csv ,xlsx to csv, ods to csv, png to jpg, jpg to png, pdf to txt (beta)
many times I needed convert files by type to another type directly on my phone. But in the google play I did not find
applications with my conversion this is reason why i made this app.
certainly does not support all types of conversion ,also is possible application will not look as you imagine etc
if you have any type of problem (not really any but related to this app) please don't hesitate to write us
vote for your format in next version
app is free with ad
convert table
xls to csv
xlsx to csv
ods to csv
pdf to txt
png to jpg
jpg to png
gps formats
kml to geojson
gpx to geojson
now support open on map gps formats gpx kml, geojson, polyline, topojson, wkt
include universal viewer for gps formats
gpx viewer
kml viewer
geojson viewer
wkt viewer
polyline viewer
topojson viewer
doc -> PDF
docx -> PDF
txt -> PDF
odt -> PDF
ods -> PDF
odp -> PDF
jpg -> PDF
png -> PDF
xls -> PDF
xlsx -> PDF
html -> PDF
ppt -> PDF
pptx -> PDF
txt -> PDF
rtf -> PDF
ods -> CSV
xls -> CSV
xlsx -> CSV
rtf -> TXT
html -> TXT
doc -> TXT
docx -> TXT
ods -> TXT
xls -> TXT
xlsx -> TXT
ppt -> TXT
pptx -> TXT
pdf -> TXT
xls -> ODS
xlsx -> ODS
csv -> ODS
ods -> XLS
ods -> XLSX
ppt -> PPTX
pptx -> PPT
txt -> DOC
rtf -> DOC
docx -> DOC
odt -> DOC
rtf -> DOCX
doc -> DOCX
odt -> DOCX
txt -> DOCX
txt -> RTF
doc -> RTF
docx -> RTF
odt -> RTF
txt -> ODT
doc -> ODT
docx -> ODT
odt -> ODT
rtf -> ODT
another our apps:
News Selection Newspapers - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=sk.cep
Gesture Way - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=sk.cep.gesturesway
WOL - Wake on Lan (widget) - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=sk.cep.wol
Ride recorder blackbox - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=sk.forcecode.riderecorder
[BETA] Smart WiFi - APN switch
- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=sk.forcecode.autowifiapn
start bug fix for android 5 version