Sound Pressure Meter
음악/오디오 | 2.2MB
Sound pressure meter (SPL) is meant for noise measurement. It calculates in Decibel or dB. It collects the noise from environment.
Levels of Noise In decibels (dB) according to American Academy of Audiology (
140 dB - Gun shots, fireworks
130 dB - Jackhammers, Ambulance
120 dB - Jet planes taking off
110 dB - Concerts, Car horns
100 dB - Snowmobiles
90 dB - Power tools
80 dB - Alarm clocks
70 dB - Traffic, vacuums
60 dB - Normal conversation
50 dB - Moderate rainfall
40 dB - Quiet library
30 dB - Whisper
20 dB - Leaves rusting
10 dB – Breathing
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