Shop Save Earn Money

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Shop & Earn has partnered with over 3,000 popular online retailers to bring you the latest online coupons, sales, and promotions they currently have to offer. Additionally, you will earn CashBack on every purchase made using your app.
To earn, log into your account, search products or stores, filter your results or browse available deals and best deals. Clicking on the SHOP NOW button will be take you directly to the merchants website.
Immediately after that, make a purchase on their website as you normally would do if you went directly there. We will track your steps along the way, and credit your reward when we receive it from the merchant.

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새로운 소식 Shop Save Earn Money

UI layout redesigned and member sign up added


업데이트 날짜:

현재 버전: 1.0.1

필요한 Android 버전: Android 4.1 or later


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